Wednesday, 13 January 2010


For instructions on how to add these badges to your Twilighted signature, click here.


For different sizes of the The Unaccompanied Soul blinkie, click here.

For instructions on how to add these blinkies to your Twilighted signature, click here.


made by kstewfangirl

made by crazyj9girl

made by JMCullen

made by iDrinkBloodshake

made by crazyj9girl

made by TwitardGirl

For instructions on how to add these banners to your Twilighted signature, click here.


Twitter Backgrounds:


To request different sizes of the backgrounds, contact Sophz456 on twitter or comment below.

TUS Graphics

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Graphics Instructions for Twilighted

To add any of the graphics to your signature on Twilighted, simply copy and paste these codes:

For the Team TUS badge:

For the Team Abandonward badge:

For the Team Lancelot badge:

To make the graphics link back to the story on Twilighted, use this code:

[url=][img]ENTER THE DESIRED URL FROM ABOVE[/img][/url]